
Did I kiss her this morning to wake her up
Did I kiss her again just for some luck
Did I hold her hands and say hey baby
Without you, what useful I can be
Silly me
I have done none, that’s for sure
Even her heart aghast at this love so pure
But its weighing me down, I can’t endure
And still I wait for her knock at my door, silly me.

The love that could show light to the blind
The love that could corrupt any mind, any kind
The love that could grow gold on sand
The love like a made pre-turn poker hand
The love that could spark, if our eyes had met
The love that anyhow I got to get

Did I sing to her today and made her cry
Did I then pull her close, and kiss all her tears dry
Did I tell her that she clears all the cobwebs in me
And no one fits on the place she has in me
Bumble bee
Among the wind blows a voice so mean
Pushes down the tower of hope I grow within
It stands against the flow though, it’s not so weak
Only plunges me towards the only thing I seek, my bumble bee.

1 comment:

  1. im in love now and i dont even know with who ... wow !
